Are There Non-surgical Treatments for Shoulder Subluxation?

Shoulder subluxation occurs when the upper arm bone partially dislocates from the shoulder socket. This can cause pain, instability, and reduced range of motion. While surgery is sometimes necessary, many cases are treatable without surgical intervention.

Physical Therapy

This therapy is all about making your muscles stronger, especially the rotator cuff. These are the muscles that keep your shoulder in place. A physical therapist will teach you exercises to do at home, too. They will work with you to improve how your shoulder moves. This can help stop it from popping out again.

Exercises might include:

·       Arm raises.

·       Wall pushes.

·       Shoulder blade squeezes.

·       Rubber band pulls.

The more you do these exercises, the stronger and more stable your shoulder becomes.

Pain Relief

A shoulder that keeps popping out hurts. However, there are ways to manage the pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help. They can ease the pain and reduce swelling. Ice is another effective pain-buster. Wrap some ice in a towel and hold it on your shoulder for about 15 minutes.

Remember, pain relief is not just about comfort. When you are in less pain, you can do your exercises better. This means faster healing and a stronger shoulder.

Rest and Recovery

Sometimes, the best medicine is rest. After your shoulder pops out, it needs a timeout. Your doctor might suggest wearing a sling for a week or two. This keeps your arm still and lets your shoulder heal.

Better Posture

Slouching can make your shoulder muscles weak and more likely to let your joints slip out. So, learn how to sit and stand up straight. This helps align your spine and shoulders.

Good posture is not just about looking confident. It makes your shoulder muscles work better. When you stand tall, your shoulder blades sit in the right place. This gives your shoulder joint more support.

Taping Techniques

Have you ever seen athletes with colorful tape on their bodies? That is not just for show. This is kinesiology taping, and it can help with shoulder subluxation, too. The tape provides extra support to your shoulder joint.

But it is not as simple as slapping on some tape. A physiotherapist or sports therapist can show you how to apply it correctly. When done right, taping can reduce pain and improve shoulder movement. It is not a cure-all, but it can be a helpful tool in your recovery toolkit.

Lifestyle Tweaks

Sometimes, the way you live day-to-day can affect your shoulder. Do you carry a heavy bag on one shoulder? Try switching to a backpack that distributes weight evenly. If your work involves using a computer, ensure your desk is set up right. Your screen should be at eye level, and your chair should support good posture.

Even how you sleep matters. Avoid lying on the affected shoulder. Instead, try sleeping on your back with a pillow supporting your arm. These small changes can make a huge difference in keeping your shoulder in place.

When to Consider Surgery

Non-surgical treatments work for many people. But sometimes, surgery might be the best option. If your shoulder keeps popping out despite trying these treatments, it is time to talk to your doctor. They might suggest surgery to repair or tighten the tissues around your shoulder joint.

Remember, every shoulder is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. The key is to work closely with your healthcare team. They can guide you to the best treatment plan for your specific situation.

For more on shoulder subluxation, visit Absolute Chiropractic at our Rio Rancho, New Mexico, office. Call (505) 867-1122 to schedule an appointment today.